Vangsgaard´s Carla - "DAISY"










Info about Daisy

Vangsgaard´s Carla

DKK reg. nr.: DK17228/2005


Genger: Bitch

Born: 29.08.2005

Height: ?? cm tall

Colour: Tricolour

Coat type: Rough

Breeder: Kennel Vangsgaard v/ Dorthea Vangsgaard, Thisted


Daisy had one litter (the C-litter) and is now sterilized. She is an active agillityhund with Kirsten.

Health information

Correct scissor bite and full dentition



Eye Inquiry: Result free


Patella luxation: No indication found

Dyrlæge Mogens Frismondt

Varde Dyrehospital



DNA test, PLL6664, for PLL (Primary Luxation) CLEAR





Vinter 2012