Kirsten Majgaard Watts og Ben Watts Esbjerg Denmark
Tlf. nr. +45 75 12 40 00 Mobil +45 26 27 54 30
About us
We are a Danish/English Couple with Jack Russell Terriers as our passionate hobby.
It all started in October 2005 when we collected Daisy from Kennel Vangsgaard in Thisted, Northern Jutland. We fell so much in love with Daisy, that it was not long before we returned to Thisted to adopt Sybil, another angelic 13 month old Jack Russell. We started to show Daisy and Sybil and realized we would like to start breeding our own Jack Russells.. so we had a FCI and Danish Kennel Club recognised kennel name in 2007 called "Daisy Blossom's" In order to improve the blood line, we purchased an adorable male puppy from Holland, he was "A Boy like Allstar of Cathys Cottage". That was October 2007 and now he is a consistent, very good performer at National and International shows. Since then, things have snowballed...
Our main goal is to breed a few healthy, well balanced Jack Russell's within the FCI breed standard. All our Jack Russells are part of our family, they LIVE together with us.

04.02.2008 Kirsten received Diploma for passing Danish Kennel Club Breeder's Course and this is approved by the Danish Kennel Club.
In the spring of 2008, Kirsten started a course to become a Vetinary Examined Dog Masseur. She graduated in December the same year and since then, has been running a clinic at her home in Esbjerg.